Just Kids
Pre-School Program:
Open to children 2-5 years old every Wednesday from 11am-noon during the Roane County school year.
Weekly Activities:
- Learning a new letter weekly
- Creating crafts related to the lesson and stories
- Playing games
- Enjoying story time

School Age Programs:
Weekly Activities:
- Studying various topics in history, science, current events, and literature
- Activities include reading amazing stories, crafts, projects, and special activities
Summer Reading Program: A 6-7 week program following a statewide theme, spanning two age levels, meets every Wednesday
Weekly Activities:
- Checking out a book every week
- The library will be hosting special guests & awarding prizes.
Programs Offered
Children’s Programs
Monday 11:00 Show & Share (An engaging program that promotes sharing)
Tuesday 11:00 K-1st Grade Hour (A program focused on language, reading, math, and crafts)
Wednesday 11:00 Preschool Program (Focused on days of the week, months of the year, numbers up to twelve, shapes, colors, etc.)
Thursday 12:00 Middle – High School Hour
For information about the programs please call 865-882-3195
Or email: connie.massingill@cityofharriman.net
- Children who use the Library should perceive the facilities as warm and inviting. Many programs are offered to make the Library attractive to children and to help them develop a love for books, reading and libraries. However, children left unattended for several hours when no specific library program is being offered may become bored and disruptive. Young children are not safe when left in the Library unattended. The staff cannot know if the children are leaving the building with parents or with strangers.
- A policy that clearly specifies the responsibilities of parents and/or caregivers and the Library, and acceptable on-site behavior that will be consistently and equitably enforced to maintain comfort and safety, is in the best interest of children, the Library and the public.
- Parents and guardians are responsible for their children’s behavior, safety and welfare while their children are in the library or on library grounds, which includes their children’s access to library materials and electronic resources. Children ages twelve (12) and younger should be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other responsible party. Library staff is available to assist parents, guardians. And their children in the use of the library; however, Library staff cannot act “loco parentis” (in place of a parent) for children in the library.
- All children are expected to use the Library facilities in an appropriate Those guilty of inappropriate activities include: running, throwing, eating, loud or abusive talking, fighting, moving furniture, excessive socializing, or any other activities that disrupt the Library staff or patrons, or other children.
- Children must be picked up before closing time. The Library closing hours are posted on the front door and inside the library. The Library staff makes every effort to inform parents of closing times. Any child left at the Library after closing hours is at risk. For this reason, at the discretion of the staff, the City Police may be notified when a child is outside the Library at closing time.
- All Library staff members shall be aware of the above policies and implement them with the following procedures:
- Publicize the policies by the use of signs in the Library.
- Give out policy when library card is received and at beginning of programs in summer and fall.
What is it? Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a 60 volume set of books beginning with the children’s classic The Little Engine That Could. Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child’s name directly to your home. Best of all it is a FREE GIFT! There is no cost or obligation to your family.
Who is Eligible? Preschool children ages birth to five who are residents of Roane County, Tennessee.
When Will I Receive Books? Eight to ten weeks after your registration form has been received, books will begin arriving at your home and will continue until your child turns five or you move out of Roane County, Tennessee.
What are My Responsibilities?
– Be a legal resident of Roane County, Tennessee.
– Submit an official registration form, completely filled out by parent or guardian (form must be approved and on file with the Roane County Imagination Library). Sign up here!
– Notify the Roane County Imagination Library anytime your address changes. Books are mailed to the address listed on the official registration form. One can register at the link above, or mail the registration form. Their address is: ROANE IMAGINATION LIBRARY PO BOX 128 KINGSTON TN 37763 | telephone 865-717-3767
– Read with your child

Library Hours
Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Fri : 9am - 2pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm
Sun: Closed

Lift available for accessibility.
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